About The Chiropractor

​Choo Kuan Wei (Doctor of Chiropractic) graduated from Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic in June 2004  with a Magna Cum Laude Award. 

For two academic years consecutively in 2002 - 2003 and 2003 - 2004, he was listed as a Who’s Who among American Universities and Colleges Award.

He was part of the Research Department of the Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic.


He trained with a successful and high volume chiropractor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA before returning to Malaysia.


His post graduate work involved specialization in Sports Injuries, Trigger Point Therapy, Posture Biomechanics, and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.


Been practicing since 2004 both in the United States as well as in Malaysia.

With his passion and caring attitude, he has helped to resolve many of his patients’ spinal and joint problems.


Doctorate of Chiropractic, 2004.

Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic, USA.


Certificate of Proficiency in Chiropractic Spinographic Roentgenology.

-certificate for expertise in handling x-ray equipment as well as for diagnosing x-rays.


Licensed Chiropractor, License Number: DC009261

Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs,

Department of State,

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,

United States of America.

- License to practice as a chiropractor in the state of Pennsylvania, USA.

Certificate of Attainment of Parts I,II,III and IV of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, USA. Certificate No: 107119

-  Passed all the exams by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE). The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) is a non-profit national and international testing organization for the chiropractic profession that develops, administers, analyzes, scores, and reports results from various examinations.

- Every chiropractor in the United States must pass these series of exams to be qualified to practice legally.

Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. 2002-2003

-certificate for outstanding merit and achievement for achieving the top academic score for the  year.


Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. 2003-2004.

- certificate for outstanding merit and achievement for achieving the top academic score for the  year.


Member of the World Chiropractic Alliance (WCA) since 2004.

- WCA is an international organization promoting drug-free chiropractic.

Member of the Federation of Straight Chiropractors and Organizations  (FSCO) since 2004.

- The Federation of Straight Chiropractors and Organizations is a national organization representing straight chiropractors and straight chiropractic affiliate organizations with a united voice for straight chiropractic principles.

Tentang Pakar Kiropraktik

Choo Kuan Wei (Doktor Kiropraktik) telah menamatkan pengajian di Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic pada Jun 2004 dengan Anugerah Magna Cum Laude.

Selama dua tahun akademik berturut-turut pada 2002–2003 dan 2003–2004, beliau disenaraikan sebagai penerima Anugerah Who’s Who among American Universities and Colleges.

Beliau merupakan sebahagian daripada Jabatan Penyelidikan Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic.

Beliau menjalani latihan dengan seorang pakar kiropraktik yang berjaya dan memiliki jumlah pesakit yang tinggi di Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Amerika Syarikat sebelum kembali ke Malaysia.

Kerja pascasiswazah beliau melibatkan kepakaran dalam Kecederaan Sukan, Trigger Point Therapy, Biomekanik Postur, dan Sindrom Carpal Tunnel.

Telah mengamalkan bidang ini sejak tahun 2004, baik di Amerika Syarikat mahupun di Malaysia.

Dengan minat dan sikap prihatin, beliau telah membantu menyelesaikan banyak masalah tulang belakang dan sendi para pesakitnya.


Anugerah & Keahlian